Thursday, May 7, 2009

If I went to a desert island

WHich one book would you take with you?

I would take a realy big book like 'Don Quijote' or the Bible,because after I got bored of reading it, I could use the sheets to make fire and the rest of the book as pillow.

Which one person would you like to go with you?

I would go with my girlfriend which is my best friend, is my love and she is a very good company.

Which one modern convenience would you like to take?

this is a hard one, I am not sure what to take with me, because I just can think about electric or electronic things....but it is a desert island, so.......I think i WILL TAKE A SATTELITE phone, to call for rescue when I got bored.....jajaja


  1. I really want to try to be without phone , internet or tv .I can't imagine how is going to be that.Probably, I will go crazy. It is almost not possible.

  2. hahaha. you are funny. I like the idea burning and making pillow from the book.
